Birth Doula Certification
Tuition: $450 or payment plan of 2 payments of $240! (includes online lessons, live classroom training, resources and support, & lifetime certification)
Since a good portion of the training is self-paced, registration is always open to begin right away, and live class groups are typically scheduled every two months via Zoom, which you will join after having completed the self-paced modules first. You will not have to travel anywhere to attend class.

What Makes Us Different?
AWWS Doula Training is a personal, interactive experience where you will receive individual support in your professional training and grow with a community of other women who are on the same journey as you! Rather than just reading online materials on your own, you will experience the addition of interaction via live video classes, where you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get to know other women! You will also have the opportunity to continue to interact and ask questions through your entire training process and as you start your new business. When you complete your certification process, you will carry a lifetime certification with no yearly renewal fees. All of this is yours at a very affordable investment fee that is meant to make this education accessible to all women. We honor our traditional roots and meaning of the word doula by upholding the strength and dignity of women in their natural, God-given biological role as mothers.
No Gender Neutral Language Here!
We don't use gender neutral language here. We are a non-denominational, Christian-based program that stays true to the terminology of the Bible, that when God said he created male and female, He meant that. Women are called women and mothers. Men are called men and fathers. We don't shy away from the word breastfeeding either. That's a biological function of a woman's body to feed her baby. No "chest feeding" language here!
How to Complete Certification
To complete the certification process, you will be required to complete video modules and reading assignments, write a self-reflection essay, read and report on two books from list below, evaluate a childbirth education class, prepare a local resource list, complete a final multiple choice quiz, and attend a live group class via Zoom online. You will then receive a signed certificate, logo that can be used on your marketing materials and website, and awarded the lettered credentials, CBD (AWWS), that you may use after your name to represent yourself as a certified AWWS birth doula.
*As a certified AWWS doula, you are free to run your independent business as you choose. Our standard of practice is for the purpose of having a professional standard and consistency so that clients and other professionals can be assured of your professional position. Read statement here:
A strong internet connection and device with video capability is required.
Class topics that will be covered:
Benefits of doula care
Doula scope of practice
Female anatomy & the pelvis in birth
Communication and listening skills
The stages of labor & birth of the baby
Hands-on comfort techniques in labor
Breathing and relaxation coping techniques
Assisting the mother with movement to make more space in pelvis for baby
Emotional support techniques
Supporting the partner and family
How to work alongside medical staff
Supporting the five senses during labor
Cultural awareness, working with diversity
When unexpected loss happens
Special situations like premature labor and NICU stays
Trauma and emotional disorders
Understanding medical interventions (inductions, epidurals, medications, Cesarean surgery)
Evidence-based practice and informed consent
Virtual doula support
Hospital birth, birthing center, and home birth situations
Prenatal and postnatal visits with your client
Postpartum and newborn care
Breastfeeding basics
Business resources for advertising, making a contract, and networking
Drawing from God's strength in labor
Book List (you will choose 2 books from):
The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin
Holy Labor by Aubry G. Smith
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn by Simkin
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin
Preparing For A Gentle Birth by Blandine Calais-Germain
Optimal Care in Childbirth by Henci Goer
The Female Pelvis by Blandine Calais-Germain
Natural Hospital Birth by Cynthia Gabriel
The Nurturing Touch at Birth by Paulina Perez
When Survivors Give Birth by Penny Simkin and Phyllis Klaus
The Natural Pregnancy Book by Aviva Romm
The Labor Progress Book by Simkin/Ancheta
Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding